Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Cavil on Chronology

We studied the five Acts of 'Julius Caesar' over five trimesters in the 9th and 10th grade. With its twists and turns; plots and sub plots; and the eventual oratory climax delivered by Antony, 'Julius Caesar' had a substantial influence on shaping my mind, and the result is apparent in the title of each post.

In pretty much the same way that Acts changed as the drama unfolded, heralding a change of characters, costumes, locations, props and moods; < > will also switch Acts to herald a change of theme.

Each Act will typically follow a central theme over several Scenes. Act I is an introduction to the blog and its structure. Act II started with an in depth review of an app, while Act III followed with a glimpse into what i am reading. More Acts may follow about things which are an integral part of my life and as i branch out into a different theme, a new Act may be born.

The only difference being, while the literature followed each Act till its demise and switched to the next one in chronological order, this blog may keep alternating between different Acts, depending on the theme of each post. I only hope i can keep you as glued to my stories, as we all were to His. Cheers! Or rather.. 

"Antony: Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot, 
Take thou what course thou wilt." 
 < Exit Antony >
{ The complete text of Julius Caesar can be found here, and audio-file here }

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